How can I set up a Kubernetes system?
All server SDKs(face recognition, face liveness detection, ID card recognition, ID document liveness, etc) released by KBY-AI are compatible with Kubernetes clusters, including EKS.
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All server SDKs(face recognition, face liveness detection, ID card recognition, ID document liveness, etc) released by KBY-AI are compatible with Kubernetes clusters, including EKS.
Last updated
KBY-AI has uploaded all their server SDKs to Docker Hub to streamline the identity verification process for customers by enabling easier deployment of Kubernetes systems using Docker containers, as previously discussed.
Currently, SDKs for face liveness detection, face recognition, face search, ID document recognition, ID document liveness detection, vehicle license plate recognition, and palmprint recognition are available on Docker Hub. This allows users to easily pull these products and achieve robust back-end performance with Kubernetes deployments.