ID Card Recognition SDK - Android

This stands for ID card scanner, ID document reader, ID card reader, ID document recognition, passport scanner, ID scanner, MRZ parser, barcode reader, barcode scan, MRZ scan on Android



We offer lifetime license(perpetual license) based on application ID for Android SDKs. The license is available for a one-time payment. In other words, once you purchase license from me, you can use our SDK permanently.

To request a license, please contact us:


Telegram: @kbyai

WhatsApp: +19092802609

Skype: live:.cid.66e2522354b1049b

System Requirements

  • CPU: 2 cores or more

  • RAM: 150MB or more

  • OS: Android 4.4 or later

  • Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7alibidsdk


  1. Copy the SDK (libidsdk folder) to the root folder of your project.

  2. Add SDK to the project in settings.gradle

include ':libidsdk'
  1. Add dependency to your build.gradle

implementation project(path: ':libidsdk')

Initializing SDK

  1. Step one

  • To begin, you need to activate the SDK using the license that you have received.

  • If activation is successful, the return value will be SDK_SUCCESS. Otherwise, an error value will be returned.

  1. Step Two

  • After activation, call the SDK's initialization function.

IDSDK.init(this);  //this -> MainActivity
  • If initialization is successful, the return value will be SDK_SUCCESS. Otherwise, an error value will be returned.

Enums and Classes


This enumeration represents the return value of the 'init' and 'setActivation' functions.


Successful activation or initialization



License key error



AppID error (Not used in Server SDK)



License expiration



Not activated



Failed to initialize SDK




1. setActivation

To begin, you need to activate the SDK using the license that you have received.

var ret = IDSDK.setActivation("...") 

If activation is successful, the return value will be SDK_SUCCESS. Otherwise, an error value will be returned.

2. init

After activation, call the SDK's initialization function.

ret = IDSDK.init(this)  //this -> MainActivity

If initialization is successful, the return value will be SDK_SUCCESS. Otherwise, an error value will be returned.

3. idcardRecognition

The SDK provides a single API for ID card recognition.

The function can be used as follows:

String result = IDSDK.idcardRecognition(bitmap);

This function takes a single parameter, which is a bitmap object.

If the recognition is successful, the function will return a JSON-formatted string containing the recognized information. In case of failure, the return value will be NULL.

Last updated